About us

‘Alternatives and Analyzes’ is a non-governmental organization established as a continuation of many years of work by a group of renowned Bulgarian analysts with extensive analytical experience and expertise in the fields of energy, geopolitics, diplomacy, international relations, security, business and others, who trust that the civil society and the institutions face a growing need in the analysis the information streams that overwhelm us. The pure news and information gathering and offering on Bulgaria, the region and the world, the individual facts and data is rarely thought of as trends and the footprint, even less important, meaningful, lasting and decisive in the context, the risks and opportunities posed by the processes are not evaluated. individual, institution or country.

The founders of the NGO Alternatives and Analyzes through analytical work strive to help readers, listeners and viewers boost a more competitive behavioural pattern, meet and take advantage of the wave of challenges associated with the abundance of unstructured and often biased information.

Our goal is to enrich the debate on the alternatives and the optimal strategies for today’s global world, which often seem a threat from the perspective of a small country. In most cases, quite on the contrary they present a great chance to build lasting competitive advantages.

By providing our information platforms to renowned international analysts and opening up the resources of Alternatives and Analyzes to the general public, experts and the administration, we hope to contribute to a more enlightened and informed process of public governance, as well as encourage young researchers to undertake analytical work and further the traditions in Bulgarian analytics.

We will also dedicate programs and work on the media freedom and the alternative communications channels, allow non-mainstream media improve outreach and shape public debate. Alternatives and Analyses will regularly organize seminars, strategic briefings, conferences and roundtables to help foster the above stated goals.